Moby Wrap: Baby Wearing Made Simple

Find Out Why We Loved the Moby Wrap, and Purchased Multiple

We love hiking, getting outdoors and getting moving. When you have a baby though, it can be a bit tough to hold your baby and enjoy these experiences. Straight up, it can also be hard to run the vacuum with a little one. The Moby Wrap is a super simple and easy to use wrap that securely carries your little one on your chest.

We were gifted our first Moby Wrap by friends who had fallen in love with it for their son. Our family used this flannel wrap so much that we bought a second one for the warmer months!

Moby Wraps are easy to use and there are loads of videos if you don’t pick it up right away. They are secure and can easily be adjusted if needed while you are baby wearing.

Moby Around the House

I never realized how much we would use baby carriers around the house. To me they always seemed like things we would use when we were out and about but oh man are they helpful. Our son is super active and always moving. It makes it hard to be able to get chores around the house…or work done.

Vacuuming, washing dishes, folding laundry, we used the Moby Wrap all of the time. One of the great things is that this wrap allows you to keep baby in a natural position rather than wrenching their legs out to the side and placing weight or strain on them before they are ready.

Using the Moby Wrap Outside the House

Running errands or going for a hike, this wrap was a God send. It’s easy to use, easy to adjust, and is comfortable for both parties. I liked to put the wrap on before leaving the house so that the ends didn’t touch the ground in a parking lot or elsewhere. But there were also times we grabbed it in a pinch and it wasn’t too terrible putting it on alongside the truck.

Perfect for the Pandemic

Our son arrived right before everything shut down and the pandemic started to rage here in the US. My husband is a nurse who treats covid positive patients and when he wasn’t quarantined away from us, we had limited time together. Running errands was something we chose to do as a family and the Moby Wrap made this possible for us. At first we kept him in his carseat with a nursing cover over the car seat but people were still craning to get a look and even put their hands in the cart/carseat.

Moby Wrap for the Win: With the Moby Wrap we were able to keep him safe against our bodies and even shield his face a bit with the strap that goes over your shoulder. Since you can’t put a mask or anything over a baby’s face until they are at least two years old this was a big help. When he’s close to you no one ventures to touch him.


When there’s nothing to do and you’re not really allowed to go anywhere, hiking became a saving grace. We loved to hike before lockdown but it really helped with postpartum and cabin fever. We wanted to make sure our little guy was comfortable and that we could move easily/maintain our balance. The Moby Wrap was it!