The Little Dipper Bicycle Helmet by Bontrager

Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet Review

We live for adventure, but safety is a big part of keeping the adventure going. When we made the decision to start trailering our first baby, we invested in a good helmet. Yes the trailer has safety features of its own, but you only get one noggin. When it came to our little one we headed to a brand that we have trusted with our own safety for years, Bontrager. We fitted him for a Little Dipper Helmet! They come in loads of fun color options and have a great fit. Keep reading for the full review.

His Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet and a diaper bum


A helmet is only as good as it’s fit. It can be the safest helmet in the world, but if it doesn’t fit right, it’s no good. The little dipper is perfect for the little ones whether they’re riding in a trailer, kicking around on their balance bike, or hitching a ride with you.

We chose to get the Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet because of the design and technology that make it a great helmet. But we also chose it because of the knowledgeable and friendly staff. We feel more comfortable going into a Trek Bicycle Store and speaking with Tim, our highly trained professional buddy. We know that we are in good hands and that they can guide us to the right fit.

Loves ripping on his balance bike with his Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet.
Green was the color that year!

The Helmet has the same hard exterior shell and lightweight internal body that you expect in a typical bike helmet. It is also equipped with a ratchet and adjustable headband that allows you to accurately fit your child and keep the fit dialed as they grow.


While fit is first, comfort is second. If it’s not comfortable, a kid will not wear it. Hands down, it’s a nonnegotiable. The Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet fits snugly and is comfortable for kids. It might take putting the helmet on once or twice to get them used to it before they stop trying to take it off. However, this one is great!

After he initially got used to wearing the helmet and would let us put it on, he wouldn’t let us take it off. He loved his helmet and continued asking for it after it no longer fit his big little noggin. It’s a good thing that Bontrager makes a great kids size helmet as well!

Learning to love bikes like his dada thanks to the Bontrager Little Dipper Helmet.

You can easily remove the helmet pads to wash and clean them. And the strap features a magnetic closure system that is easy for parents and kids to use.


For kids, its also gotta look cool. Kids are about color as much as they are about comfort. Our baby bear picked out his lime green helmet and loved rocking the bright color. The Little Dipper Comes in a fair amount of fun colors to make finding the right one for your baby bear easy.