Bombas Baby Socks - Review On Outdoor Mama Bear

Bombas Baby Socks

The Bomb Proof Baby Socks

Baby bears are super active when they learn how to crawl and are starting to learn how to walk. Exploring their world consumes their entire day. But, just because they’re baby bears doesn’t mean that they have warm feet. In fact, my little one’s feet feel almost frigid to the touch sometimes. Sock after sock lead us to trying Bombas Baby Socks. Check out the review:

Bombas Baby Socks Review from Outdoor Mama Bear

Bomb Proof Baby Socks from Bombas

Socks are the bane of my existence right now. Finding the matching two socks. Then wrangling your baby bear so that you can put them on. Then, oh the keeping the socks on. Not only does my Baby Bear pull them off in the car and then seem to be able to toss them to the other side of the truck, but you lose them with him crawling and trying to walk too.

Baby Bear approves of the Bombas Baby Socks

Even the socks that say that they stay on, don’t stay on. Except for Bombas Baby Socks. He’ll still manage to get them off now and then, but like 1/100th of the time.

Why do I love theses baby socks:

  1. They’re easy to get on.
  2. They stay on better than other socks.
  3. They’re warm!
  4. The grippers actually work.

If you have a wriggly little baby you know how hard it can be to get a pair of socks on. You catch a random toe, feet get stuck. It’s just a mess. But Bombas socks are such a great balance of stretchy and snug. They’re easy to get on, but then hold their shape and stay on.

The socks are thick which makes them warm. This warmth is essential for us as we love to be outside, even during the winter. And this winter, was a bit on the chilly and snowy side. We used these socks day and night, inside and outside. They’re great!

Bombas Baby Socks are Perfect for Motion!

Baby Bear Loves Bombas Too!

Learning to walk, racing over the floors on hands and knees, Baby Bear is always in motion. He hates when socks keep slipping off because Mama Bear keeps chasing him around to put them back on. So Bombas Baby Socks are his sock of choice.

They keep is feet warm on their own but provide extra warmth when paired with a fleece onesie when we go sledding. They’re comfortable enough for him to sleep in too.

The grippers work so well that he feels secure in walking around in them, even on the smooth kitchen floor. Other socks, aren’t so great for this. The only downside actually is how grippy they are – it makes it tough to put shoes on.