Myth: Pregnancy is the Death of Adventure by Outdoor Mama Bear

Myth: Pregnancy Is the Death of Adventure

Mama Share: The Best Adventure Is About to Start

When we announced our pregnancy we had so may people congratulate us and celebrate with us. Most people absolutely gushed over our news. But you could tell there were a few people who didn’t relish it quite as much.

Outdoor Mama Bear Pregnancy Announcement

Rewind a couple of years: my husband once told me a story of when he learned that his friends were pregnant. He was crushed because he thought it meant that their adventures were over. Then as the wife progressed through her pregnancy my husband realized just how cool and awesome it was. Today, we’re thrilled to join them in this adventure.

People Think That Babies Kill Adventure

The majority of people who have babies, do so after they’ve “settled down” or “had their fun”. It’s like it’s a conscious decision is made to stop doing cool things when they want to have a baby. I don’t know when or why we started to assume that it’s a trade off, that you can only have one or the other.

Yes, there are things that having a baby makes difficult or more time consuming, but that doesn’t mean the adventure is over. You just approach things from a different angle.

Adventure During Pregnancy

You’ll get tired of hearing me tell this story in the near future but it’s important. When I had my first few appointments at the start of my pregnancy, I spoke with my OB. I told her how active I had been previously and we talked about what I could continue to do, what I might have to do a bit differently, and what I might have to scale back on. She wholeheartedly championed me having an active pregnancy.

Pregnant Adventures: Riding My Bike

Yes pregnancy is uncomfortable. I won’t sugar coat it and act like I loved every minute of it and that it was always a blast to work out or take a walk. But I imagine if I hadn’t, it would have been so much worse. I’m glad my husband, parents, and friends (for the most part) didn’t treat me like a fragile vase. Most encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing: riding my bike and skiing.

If I hadn’t been able to stay active, I think I would have gained a lot more weight when I was pregnant. As it was, I really only gained weight from my pregnant belly. I probably also would have lost my mind sitting inside the whole time.

Other Benefits of Staying Active While Pregnant:

Healing after labor went smoothly. I was blessed with a relatively uncomplicated labor that went quickly. Not all women have this luck so I’m thankful. But having stayed active for as long as possible meant that there was less down time and I could get back to walking and gentle exercise without much wait. Your OB will be able to help clear you when you are ready.

Staying fit and active while pregnant - outdoor mama bear

How Did I Modify Things While Pregnant?

I was lucky to have activities to switch to as my pregnancy progressed. At the start it was summer and fall so I could ride my bike a fair amount. After a while, a pregnant belly is not the most comfortable on a bike. Bib shammies help but they can only make you so comfortable. When I couldn’t take the bike any longer, ski season was here. I had to use a hair tie to keep my pants buttoned and in the later stages my husband helped with my boots but that was relatively it. Oh, that and no apres ski beer.

How Do You Have Adventure with a Baby?

Our little bundle of joy came on the coldest day of the winter in 2020. We knew, at three in the morning on the way to the hospital, that this was the start of the biggest adventure of our lives. The first few months we spent getting into a rhythm and learning to care for each other. As he grew bigger, we were ready to start getting outdoors and hiking.

Hiking Is a Great First Adventure:

Babies love to be outside and to just take in the world around them. From the sights and sounds to sensations like wind, hikes are great entertainment. Hikes also wear them out and make for epic naps.

Our first adventure with our baby - outdoor mama bear

Find a carrying option that is comfortable and safe. For us, we since it was the summer months, we used a lightweight breathable Moby Wrap for our first hikes and walks. It kept our baby safe, my hands free just in case, and it was comfortable for both parties.

Now we’ve progressed to an Osprey Hiking Backpack. We love this pack. Our son feels super comfortable and we know he’s secure. He sits up above your head a bit so he can see. There’s also ample storage space for snacks, an extra layer, and diaper changing essentials.

Now we’ve progressed to an Osprey Hiking Backpack. We love this pack. Our son feels super comfortable and we know he’s secure. He sits up above your head a bit so he can see. There’s also ample storage space for snacks, an extra layer, and diaper changing essentials.