How to get Amped for the Snow

Learn How to Get Amped for Snow Like When You Were a Kid

Snow Day! Remember when Snow Used to Bring Such Excitement?

What happened to those days? Oh that’s right. We got jobs, took on mortgages, and had kids. But just because we’re older now and have certain responsibilities doesn’t mean we have to turn in to curmudgeons when the world goes white. Learn how to get amped for snow like when you were a kid with this blog post by your friendly neighborhood Mama Bear.

Learn how to get amped for the snow

I’ve shared a review on Baby Bear’s LL Bean Fleece, and his Patagonia Snowsuit.

Why Does Snow Get Us Down?

The biggest difference between my family and those who hate the winter is that we have a way to get outside and enjoy it. When you are stuck cooped up in your house, and you don’t have the right gear to enjoy the cold, you freeze butt off.

Being cold isn’t fun. Being out in the cold doing something that you enjoy is fun.

Baby Bear playing in the snow
Learn how to get amped for the snow like you used to as a kid!

Without some way to enjoy the winter whether, the lack of sunlight and cold could get almost anybody down. Snow as a kid meant no school, and playing outside. Building snowmen and snow forts was exciting. Snowball fights were epic. And sledding was one of the best sources of stoke for a kid.

So no, us outdoorsy winter loving people aren’t crazy. We have just retained our childlike sense of fun and found ways to stay active and outdoors during the winter.

How Can You Get Amped and Enjoy the Cold?

I’m not saying you have to run out and buy everything from a helmet to skis to stop feeling affected by the winter. That’s ridiculously expensive for most people. You don’t even have to like skiing, snowboarding, or what many consider to be winter sports.

You’re thinking Okay, so how can I get amped and enjoy the cold? Make time this week to get outside with the kids.

Dress for the Cold

Find some wool sweaters and a warm pair of jeans (snow pants are a bonus if you have them). A good hat is a must as well, since you lose most of your heat through your head. Mittens or gloves are a big help too.

Dressing in layers is a great way to have fun outdoors. When you first go outside you’ll want a few extra layers, but once you start moving you’ll be pealing them off. By dressing in layers you can avoid having to go inside and get changed again.

Pick Waterproof layers to get amped for snow
I love using snow pants for hiking in the snow, they keep you warm against the wind, won’t get wet walking, and allow for a little extra play here and there!

Opt for water proof outer layers if you can. When gloves and clothing get wet, they get cold. Whatever is going to come in contact with the snow should be water proof or water resistant. If you have winter boots, these are the best. If not, pick your next best footwear and a good pair of socks. Then plan to come inside when you start to feel damp. Wool is a great option for winter clothing.

Pick Your Activity

Once you’ve gathered up your gear, pick your activity! Does your family like hiking or going for walks? Do you like to play and get creative? Or do you like the fun of taking a ride?

If you like to go for walks, and think the woods are beautiful when they’re green hold onto your hat. The woods in the winter is one of the more beautiful things you can see!

Fynn outside in the snow
Just ask Baby Bear!

If you have that creative streak, make something out of the snow. You could opt for the traditional snow person, but what about making your dog out of snow? If riding is your thing grab a sled. Hours of fun can be had sledding.

Recovering from your Snow Stoke

The time after your adventure in the snow is just as important as the time you spent gathering your gear and getting ready. Hang up wet clothes or lay them out to dry so that you can get outside again tomorrow!

Baby Bear’s Always Down for Snugs After Getting Amped in the Snow

Cold hands? It’s time for a cup of hot chocolate. Wrapping your hands around a warm mug and feeling the steam on your face can do wonders to warm a body from the inside out. Snacks are also great!

Snuggle up with a book or your favorite show. Playing in the cold can sap your energy. Planning a calm activity to warm up and unwind afterwards is a great way to spend the rest of your day indoors.