
Falling in Love in the Great Outdoors

The Love Story that Forged Me as a Mama Bear

As we approach Valentine’s Day I thought this would be a fun story to revisit. My husband and I were both fans of the great outdoors before we met. Once we did find each other, our dates were a series of adventures and with each one we continued falling in love in the great outdoors.

Before Falling in Love, How Did We Meet?

It’s not super romantic but we actually met on a dating website. I was looking for someone who was into cycling and skiing and couldn’t find anyone that liked both, had a job, and was ready for commitment. My dad suggested I try online dating since meeting someone on the slopes or the trail wasn’t working out. I tried three different platforms all together, two of them I even tried the paid version.

My mom and brother were beginning to think I was looking for a unicorn – that I was being too picky. What they actually didn’t know was that even the guys who didn’t do both weren’t the material I was looking for. Eventually though, I found my unicorn and proved to my family that they do exist!

After meeting and getting to know each other – we realized that we both know some of the same people…wish they would have thought to introduce us sooner.

First Adventures: Falling in Love While Risking Life and Limb

I have to laugh now but when I look back on it, dating my husband almost killed me. Okay, not literally, but it did push me out of my comfort zone quite a bit, and some mishaps did happen.

Falling in love in the great outdoors on Outdoor Mama Bear

The first time we did anything, I fell, hurt myself, or almost hurt myself almost every time. We went backpacking and it was my first time. I slipped and gouged my shin. I was so embarrassed. When we went mountain biking for the first time (something I’ve done for years), I flew over the handlebars. And when we went skiing out west for the first time together, I tried a few things that made me think I was going to die for sure.

When Did I Know That I Had Fallen in Love?

If I’m honest, I was pretty smitten from the start. Early on, like three months in, maybe…Chris was visiting his brother and asked me to come. We both recognized it was pretty early on, but I just got so giddy when he asked. We had the best time, and where in previous relationships I would have been nervous or anxious, this was just a blast.

I had been staying with him on and off for a little while. He did live five minutes from where I was working at the time (the only positive thing about that job). But when he asked me to move in, with my dog I knew we both falling in love. Murphy is a 90 pound Labrador that is all energy, so asking for the dog to come along was a big step. Soon I had been replaced as Murphy’s favorite.

Who Brought Up Marriage

I did. But we had both been talking about us being committed to each other. He would have been fine dating for a little while longer, but I was really excited to get married. When we were on vacation he asked my parents for their permission. My mom gave him her engagement band. It had been my grandmother’s before it was hers. I’m still not sure whether he had planned to get engaged that week, but I had been hoping for it. I don’t think Chris had expected to be handed a ring and felt a bit guilty taking it – but if you know my family, then you know this is the best ring I could have ever been given.

Falling in Love in the Great outdoors - the Marriage Part

We bought our wedding bands in the Gold Souk in Dubai when we were on vacation with his parents the following year.

Gold Souk Dubai - Falling in Love in the outdoors

The Adventures Didn’t Stop After the Wedding

We loaded the dog into the Tacoma and hit the road for an adventure filled honeymoon. First we stayed in Shenandoah and hiked the dog. Even though it was April, it was freezing. I also got food poisoning…

Murphy kept trying to go into the ravine for the water.

Then we continued on to Pisgah for epic mountain biking, beer tasting, and more.

Aand this is Murphy on a school bus being taken to Sierra Nevada Brewery

Now that our Baby Bear is here, the adventures just keep coming!

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