
  • How to get Amped for the Snow

    Learn How to Get Amped for Snow Like When You Were a Kid

    Snow Day! Remember when Snow Used to Bring Such Excitement? What happened to those days? Oh that’s right. We got jobs, took on mortgages, and had kids. But just because we’re older now and have certain responsibilities doesn’t mean we have to turn in to curmudgeons when the world goes white. Learn how to get amped for snow like when you were a kid with this blog post by your friendly neighborhood Mama Bear. I’ve shared a review on Baby Bear’s LL Bean Fleece, and his Patagonia Snowsuit. Why Does Snow Get Us Down? The biggest difference between my family and those who hate the winter is that we have…

  • Falling in Love in the Great Outdoors

    The Love Story that Forged Me as a Mama Bear As we approach Valentine’s Day I thought this would be a fun story to revisit. My husband and I were both fans of the great outdoors before we met. Once we did find each other, our dates were a series of adventures and with each one we continued falling in love in the great outdoors. Before Falling in Love, How Did We Meet? It’s not super romantic but we actually met on a dating website. I was looking for someone who was into cycling and skiing and couldn’t find anyone that liked both, had a job, and was ready for…

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  • Round Ligament Pain Post

    Searing Round Ligament Pain Almost Sidelined Me for the Last Two Months of My Pregnancy

    Holy Pain Batman! There are so many things about pregnancy, child birth, and postpartum that we just don’t talk about. I think that’s one of the reasons so many moms find the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” So traumatic. It’s the first time we hear about any of this and we’re already carrying a baby at this point. From round ligament pain to lighting crotch, so much was new to me. Have fun googling that one. I have quite a large family, on both sides. So I thought I was a bit more prepared for this whole motherhood experience. How laughable that idea is now. I’ve learned so…

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  • Making the Decision to Keep Skiing While Pregnant

    Making the Decision to Keep Skiing While Pregnant

    Tips and Tricks from a Mama Who’s Skied at 7 Months You’ve probably seen the photos that I’ve shared on my Instagram for Outdoor Mama Bear but let’s talk about skiing while pregnant. This is an extremely personal decision and it shouldn’t be made lightly. My husband and I discussed whether I could or should ski while pregnant at quite a length. We talked about the benefits and the risks. To help gather more information we talked to many of our friends who also skied through their pregnancies. And of course, we talked to healthcare providers. What to Consider When Making the Decision to Ski with a Baby on Board:…

  • Dealing with Unsolicited Pregnancy Advice from Outdoor Mama Bear

    How to Deal with Unsolicited Pregnancy Advice

    Getting Out of Those Cringeworthy “If I Were You” Situations Nothing prepared me for the sheer amount of unsolicited advice that I have received during my pregnancy and now beyond. Being unprepared for the amount of advice, I wasn’t equipped to actually deal with it at first. Overtime I learned how to take it in stride and now I’m sharing my tips for how to deal with unsolicited pregnancy advice here in this post. What to Expect When Your Expecting My first tip is to prepare yourself. Accept that you are going to receive advice from everyone in your family, your friends, and complete strangers. Having a baby is the…

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  • Myth: Pregnancy is the Death of Adventure by Outdoor Mama Bear

    Myth: Pregnancy Is the Death of Adventure

    Mama Share: The Best Adventure Is About to Start When we announced our pregnancy we had so may people congratulate us and celebrate with us. Most people absolutely gushed over our news. But you could tell there were a few people who didn’t relish it quite as much. Rewind a couple of years: my husband once told me a story of when he learned that his friends were pregnant. He was crushed because he thought it meant that their adventures were over. Then as the wife progressed through her pregnancy my husband realized just how cool and awesome it was. Today, we’re thrilled to join them in this adventure. People…

  • Outdoor Mama Bear Featured Image

    Welcome to Outdoor Mama Bear!

    Hi Mamas, Welcome to Outdoor Mama Bear a space for active and outdoor loving moms. I’m so glad that you have found this corner of the internet. Thank you for stopping by Outdoor Mama Bear and reading my posts and product reviews. It’s my hope that you not only found them interesting but that they’ve helped you in some way, shape, or form. Why Carve Out This Corner of the Internet? During covid I’ve really learned, first hand the importance of community. Every mama needs a village. If you haven’t found what you need in your close circles, or you are still looking for support in choosing to have an…

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