Baby Bear's First Bike Ride is in the Books

Baby Bear’s First Bike Ride

Loading the Little One Into a Trailer for Spin Around the Lake

Just a few days ago we took Bay Bear out for his first bike ride! Now, he wasn’t actually riding a bike. We tried, his legs are still too short for the balance bike. But, we do have an epic bike trailer that we bought gently used from friends. This thing is loaded. Not only does it have a full five point harness system with interchangeable pads to size it appropriately, but it also can convert to a jogger, and the wheels switch out for a set of skis. Yea, we’re obsessed. We didn’t take it out this Winter because we were afraid he was a bit too little but, we are using it fully now. Keep reading to learn more about Baby Bear’s first bike ride.

First Thing’s First…Helmet

My husband and I are big into helmets. You only get one brain, so you better protect it. We wear helmets skiing and riding any one of our bicycles (my husband has a few…). Baby Bear will be brought up wearing a helmet as well. Introducing the dome piece though has been interesting. We got his first helmet, an awesome day glow green from our local Trek Bicycle shop in Cranberry. It’s adorable, and keeps him safe so it gets two paws up from Mama Bear.

Initially the little one kept it on and got a kick out of it. We had him wear it around the house a bit to get used to it.

The First Bike Ride

We loaded the bikes and the trailer into the truck and headed down to the lake in North Park. When it’s just us, we ride from the house. With a baby in tow though, we opted for extra safety. Also, in the case it was a disaster, I wanted an easy bail option.

Getting him into the trailer was a trip. He hated the process of being snapped and strapped into the thing. Papa Bear all but gave up. It was time for Mama to step in. Yes, he screamed and fought me initially. I kind of glanced around to make sure no one thought I was actually hurting my child. By the time we started moving though, he was digging it! He loved Papa Bear towing him around and being able to see Mama Bear, as well as everything else.

Lap two of Baby Bear's first Bike Ride

When we stopped to check and see how he was doing, if he slid down, etc. he started crying again. He wanted to be moving…and like his Papa Bear…he wanted to go fast. In fact, when I tried towing him he started crying. Thanks kid.

Like All Family Rides, We Went Farther Than I Thought We Would

The hubs has a tendency to try to push for longer rides. Sometimes its great and other times I think I’d knock him off his bike if I could catch him. Initially on this ride we planned to do one loop around the lake – we didn’t even put shammies on…but Baby Bear was loving it so much we decided to keep going! Needles to say we both had a major case of bike butt the next day. Oof.

Baby Bear's First Bike Ride Was a Success

He’s Been Bitten By the Bike Bug

Just like his mom and dad, Baby Bear is a fan of the whole biking thing. Until we can get him on his own bike, and then probably even still for longer rides, this trailer is going to get a lot of use. We’re making plans to hit rail trails, and even meet up with his one, single friend (covid baby problems) to do their first mini group ride!

Baby Bear's first bike ride is in the books

We’ve got a lot to teach him before September when we head down to Snowshoe, WV for the UCI world Cup Mountain Biking Race. The last time we went Baby Bear was in Utero. This year, he’ll get to experience it for himself! Maybe he’ll even be tip toeing around on a baby bike by then!

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