
Outdoor Mama Bear: Advocating Family Fun Out of Doors

Welcome to the great outdoors! Okay, well not really. But, this a blog about how to retain your love for the great outdoors and start a family. Outdoor Mama Bear is a blog, product review site, and platform advocating for active healthy pregnancies, postpartum, and family life.

I’m Maggie, your guide to getting outside with babies and young children.

Click here, to email me.

Before Outdoor Mama Bear

Before carving out this little corner of the internet, I’ve been a ski instructor, yoga teacher, and field hockey coach. For the past 10 years I’ve worked in marketing and PR, the last 4 being in business for myself. I’ve worked with international businesses, launched new products, represented yoga brands, and more. In addition to loving life out of doors, I love to knit and publish knitting patterns here.

In the past I’ve also reviewed hundreds of books and yoga products, served as a women’s cycling advocate, and ran a charitable project benefitting shelter dogs.

I’ve worked as an affiliate and influencer for yoga brands, essential oils,

Why Start Outdoor Mama Bear?

Over the course of my pregnancy, and now as a new mom, I’ve experienced my fair share of unsolicited and unwarranted advice. Knowing I’m not the only one, I wanted to carve out a space for moms like me. While we might not be super conventional by today’s standards, active moms who get their families outdoors are healthier and happier (in my own humble opinion).

I was blessed to grow up in a family that placed an emphasis on getting outside and playing. My dad taught me to ski when I was three years old and I’ve been riding my bike as long as I can remember. These are things that attracted my husband and I to each other, and we fell in love on dates in the great outdoors. Now, we’re gearing up to teach our son these same skills and hope that he’ll be as passionate about them as we are.

Work with Outdoor Mama Bear:

Submit a Product:

To submit a product, send me an email entailing your company and product and why it would be a good fit for this blog. If interested, I will reply with my address and further instructions. Outdoor Mama Bear does not charge for product reviews. The only stipulation is that a full size version of the product be sent for full and fair testing. It’s always been our policy to avoid negativity. If the product does not hold up to our standards we will discretely contact you to inform you that we will not be publishing a review rather than publish anything negative.

Partnerships with Outdoor Mama Bear:

Currently we are open to working with like minded individuals and brands to share stories, information, and to promote our advocacy on our website and social media platforms. Outdoor Mama Bear is also available for podcast interviews, clubhouse rooms, and more. Simply send us an email and we we’ll be in touch within 48 hours.

Contact Outdoor Mama Bear