Welcome to Outdoor Mama Bear!

Part Mom, Part Blogger, Part Outdoor Enthusiast

Welcome to outdoor Mama Bear, the blog for adventurous moms, product reviews, and advocacy. Becoming a mom means being forged. Before becoming a mother you exist as a person, a wildly amazing sum total of thoughts, feelings, interests, etc. Becoming a mom doesn’t change you or make you new.

Motherhood takes everything you are at a very elemental level and forges you into something more.

What Is Outdoor Mama Bear?

It’s my belief that adventure and fun don’t stop at pregnancy. During pregnancy and beyond I’ve continued to ski, mountain bike, hike, and share in the fun adventures we had as a couple. I hope to be able to share these adventures with you and help end the idea that pregnancy is the end of a story and the beginning of a new book, a totally new part of your life. I want to show moms that this just the part of your journey where the book gets really good.

Mama Blog

At its very core Outdoor Mama Bear is a Blog. I’m carving out my little space on the internet to share my journey as a mom with all of you. Thank you for stopping by. Please, don’t be a stranger.


From baby products to outdoor gear, it’s nice to have a friend who can make a recommendation. Find your new favorite gear here on Outdoor Mama Bear’s product review section.


There are so many choices from the start of your pregnancy and beyond that I hope to help empower other Mamabears to make. From having an active pregnancy to feeding your baby – its your choice.